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Season's Greetings!

First, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members, readers and supporters a very Happy Christmas! My Christmas Card to you all is below.

Next, an apology, for the fact that there has been a fairly irregular publication on the blog this year! Not entirely sure why, especially as there has been so much happening!

This time last year, the Christmas message was all about 'waiting', a very relevant Christmas topic and particularly relevant for our club as we were waiting on developments and news for the new building!

Whilst 'waiting' is a very topical subject for Christmas, even more important is the fact that at Christmas we celebrate an arrival. So, I think that as a club this Christmas we should celebrate an arrival. The arrival of our new building!

What a year it has been, it started with the planning and preparation for change, then there was the demolition of the old building, then we watched in wonder as the parts of the new building arrived and were put together. As soon as the new building was ready we held the Grand Opening, and almost immediately after that launched into a new season of league table tennis. We were also able to get back to daytime social table tennis, and junior coaching and both with enhanced and enlarged facilities. What has been truly amazing is the amount of interest the new building has attracted. It has directly led to increased numbers of juniors and new adult members coming to join us and enjoying some great daytime activity. Our League program has continued with 9 teams in the Liverpool League this season, including a brand new style 'junior' team. There have been a few snags along the way - as you might expect with any new building - but our contractors, Eagle Containers, have been fantastic, working to resolve all issues as speedily as possible.

There is no doubt in my mind that it has been an epic year in the history of this great table tennis club. A new building, growth in membership, increase in league participation and a fantastic social program - including strong participation by members in the new Marine in the Community activity which offers friendship and welcome to any who might otherwise find themselves on their own. Long may it all continue, and continue to grow and progress, leading into a very happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year!


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