News Release - BSMTTC News 156
Dateline: 29 April 2023
For the second consecutive year, Colin Turner, captain of the Club's A Team in Div 1 of the Liverpool League, was able to rest his hand upon the L&DTTL Frank Murphy Veterans Handicap Cup as a winner! Last season Colin played as a member of the team, under the captaincy of Dermot Tierney, which won the trophy. This season he captained his own team and again reached the final. This year the final, on Tuesday 25 April, was at Bootle YMCA and it was great to see that members of Frank Murphy's family were once again able to attend and present the trophy established to the memory of Frank. In particular his sister, Myra Lovelady, and his nephew Kevin Lovelady. Regrettably, Marjorie Murphy, who has been a great supporter of this competition since Frank's passing, was at the last minute unable to attend on this occasion,

The LDTTL Frank Murphy Veterans Handicap Cup.
The Match
The Final this year was between the all first division BSM 6 side and Cadwa 2, who mostly ply their trade in division 3 of the League. Clearly, on this basis, the all first division side had an advantage. But with a handicap advantage of 113 points, and some very experienced players, the Cadwa side were not to be taken lightly. The match referee was Tom Purcell on behalf of the Liverpool League, with League Chairman & Cup Secretary Liam Shaw officiating.
In order to clear a large deficit a good start is essential, so the BSM team lined up their strongest and most consistent player Matt Wilson for the opening set. The tactic worked perfectly, Robbie Puddifer having no answer to Matt's combination bat play, consistency and power. The next five sets, although closer, followed a similar pattern with the first division players winning the games and by a sufficient margin such that by the end of the sixth set the handicap deficit had been cleared.
There was no way back for the Cadwa boys once the handicap advantage was gone. The last three sets also went to the first division players so that by the end of the nine sets the BSM team were a clear 95 points ahead. Special mention has to be made here of the part played by Claire Peers for the BSM team. Claire played alongside Colin last season in the team that won the cup. But this season has not played in this competition, that is not until the final! Claire was called in to replace regular team member Lawrence Kenwright who was out of the country on business on the date set for the final. Captain Colin was quite fortunate to have such a high calibre substitute to call on. For the Cadwa team they had played a consistent three throughout and really played their part in making a very good quality final.
Liverpool League, Cup Secretary and League Chairman, Liam Shaw, was on hand to introduce Myra Lovelady who presented the Frank Burns Trophy to the winning team. An excellent evening of table tennis, followed by a good array of refreshments. Another great win in this competition for a BSM team.
Below you can find the story in pictures, courtesy of the Ray Hibbs Studio. All pictures used by permission.

Above, League Chairman, Liam Shaw, introduces Myra Lovelady, the sister of Frank Murphy; Myra presents the trophy to the BSM team captain, Colin Turner.
Below, the Cadwa 2 team - Ian Wensley (captain), Robbie Puddifer and Mike Power. The BSM 6 team - Colin Turner (captain), Claire Peers and Matthew Wilson. Followed by the match score card.