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Club Information 

This page shows you where you can find basic information about Bath Street Marine Table Tennis Club.


If you are looking for a brief history of the Club and details of who we are and what we do, this link is for you.


This page will show you where our club is located and how you can get there. 


Details of the sessions operated by the Club can be found here, but members can usually access the club room at anytime (unless a match is in progress).


Here you can find details of who can participate in table tennis at BSMTTC, a copy of the membership application form, and any terms and conditions that apply.


This page provides details of our current fee structure which applies to all members and guests.


Here you can find details of the main officers of the Club, their respective roles, and how to contact them.


BSM table tennis club is a private members club with its own constitution and rules; the current details can be found through this link. 


Here you can find details of our Safeguarding & Equality Policies


Here you can find copies of the Minutes of the Club Annual General Meetings and the meetings of the Club Management Committee. 


Here you can find details of the Club's Privacy Policy. 


Here you can find details of any recent important information. 


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