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News Release - BSMTTC News 162
Dateline: 14 October 2023

The Cups Start!

This week has seen the start of the respective Divisional Cup competitions in the Liverpool League. The Club had 4 teams in action, and there have been some rather strange outcomes! And, as it turned out, only 2 actual matches played! 


The Action


The week should have started with the junior J Team from Division 5, who have so far not been able to get their names on the scoreboard, facing Wavertree Labour D. But the Wavertree side were unable to raise a team, resulting in the match being conceded to the juniors. Effectively a first win for them!

The next night the very same thing happened to the D Team in the Div 3 Cup! But this time it was the BSM team who at the last moment found themselves two players down due to unexpected work requirements. The result was another concession, in favour of Crosby High.


Finally on Wednesday a match got underway! The C Team playing in the Div 2 cup, found themselves facing the current top team in that division, Wavertree Labour A. It was a good match, but the 'Dave's' found themselves unable to fully match the high flying Wavertree team. The outcome 5:1 in favour of the home side.


Last up was the E Team with a home match against Sefton Park D. Two fairly even teams. The BSM side found themselves without their inspirational captain, Andy Armstrong, out through injury, and had to draft in Club Secretary Graham Turner, for his first match of the season! The visitors started strongly through their No.1, Patricio Espinoza.  The home side hit back with good wins for Dave Aimson, Keith Dudley and Graham Turner, before the visiting No.1 added another win to his tally. Dave Aimson proved the top player for the home side taking his second win in a very well fought encounter with the visiting captain, Roy Cunningham. Surprisingly, the visitors then called on the doubles. No doubt, this proved to be the best match of the night. All 5 games being needed to decide an outcome. And that outcome was a win for Steve Rees and Keith Dudley with a real fighting display, to give the home team a 5:2 win. A terrific result in a very good match. 

So, a 50/50 week for the club's teams, at least two march on to the next round.

The Anfield Boys were all set for their first ever cup match, but in the end had to be content with being awarded the match!

BSM C - Dave Stoddern, Dave Noden and Dave McMahon, found Wavertree Labour A a little too tough.

And finally, BSM E, Graham Turner, Dave Aimson, Keith Dudley & Steve Rees, faced Sefton Park D - John Palmer, Alan Johnson, Roy Cunningham and Patricio Espinoza. A really good match, which went the way of the home team on this occasion.

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And in conclusion.......

A little disappointing to have two matches involving concessions, but it means the club will have 9 teams in the next round, which will be played in the week commencing 6 November. Keep your eyes open for the next report. 

© BSMTTC 2015 

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