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News Release - BSMTTC News 94
Dateline: 29 June 2019

Club Celebrates Season End

Whilst some had taken off for some summer sun, the table tennis club was celebrating the end of another season in typical style!

Fun, Food and Friendship

There is no doubt that whatever the merits of Bath Street Marine TTC are on the table tennis table, it is second to none when it comes to staging an engaging, well supported, and enjoyable social night! That was certainly the case at the end of season dance and social, held at Marine on Friday, 28 June.

In fact, people were so busy enjoying themselves that somehow they forgot to take a few photographs! Very surprising in these days of Facebook, Instagram, Snap-chat and so-on! However, we have been able to gather together a few video clips, courtesy of Club Chairman Bernard Cooney and you can find them below!

With live music, a tasty buffet provided by the Marine FC catering staff, a well stocked bar, and excellent company, one thing is certain, it was a great night!

Some may think that whilst our table tennis facilities have been out of action, that little is going on at the club. Nothing could be further from the truth. A number have continued to play table tennis either at Anfield or at Lydiate; three teams have been taking part in the Liverpool & District Summer League, and of course members have continued to meet together for social occasions. Around 80 members and their guests enjoyed this end of season dance, surely evidence that something good is happening at Bath Street Marine Table Tennis Club!?


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