News Release - BSMTTC News 54
Dateline: 8 December 2016
Where Was Santa...?
What a great day! The occasion the Bath Street Marine Table Tennis Club Christmas party, held on Wednesday 7 December at the Club’s home, the Peter Ross Table Tennis room at Marine Football Club in Crosby. Of particular significance was the fact that Mrs Celia Ross, the widow of Peter, and her daughter Susan were able to attend.
The day started with a fun doubles event, organised by Keith Dudley and Albert Parker. Partners were ‘drawn’ and pairs were given a handicap, other than their partner, for each match. A match was just a single game played up to 21 points. Exactly how it came about is not clear but the ‘winning’ pair was Club Secretary Graham Turner partnered by Julia Cornish who, despite giving a handicap advantage of +16 points to their opponents Elaine Core and Ray O’Leary, managed to win 23:21. It was a great fun event. A small prize was presented to the each of the winning pair, however mysteriously both prizes vanished, seemingly given out again as prizes in the great Christmas draw!
Below, a clip of some of the pairs in the fun doubles event, skillfully organized by Albert Parker and Keith Dudley. The strange thing is that some people seem to appear in more than one pair.......???

Julia Cornish with Club Secretary Graham Turner, won the fun doubles event. But how they ended up paired together or how they got to the final no-one seems to quyite know! The winning score 23:21, a good game.
The light table tennis was followed by the main event; the party! Master of Ceremonies Colin Mitchell introduced Club President Billy Clayton who welcomed the 50 or so members and guests crowded into the Peter Ross room. The grand Christmas prize draw organised by two new members Ian Brownrigg and Keith Hardman was drawn. There were so many prizes, all donated by members, it seemed it would never end. Stan & Val Cooper took the first prize of the afternoon and what a ‘celebration’ it was. A fabulous buffet organised by Club Welfare Officer Mary Delamere and her band of helpers was followed by some light entertainment provided by another new member, Sue Young.
It was a great event, showcasing all the best of the Club, friendship, fun, a fabulous social atmosphere and even some gentle exercise. The only question was, 'where was Santa'? Maybe all the members are on the naughty list.......
Ian Brownrigg and Keith Hardman organised the grand prize draw, we are fairly sure Keith won the 'silly hat' competition! Our own Master of Ceremonies Colin Mitchell kept proceedings going and introduced Club President Billy Clayton who welcomed all the guests, Mary Delamere and her team provided expert catering, and some great entertainment was provided by 'country girl' Sue Young. A great time was had by all!