News Release - BSMTTC News 110
Dateline: 27 June 2020
On The Horizon!
We believe that resumption of indoor table tennis play is at last on the horizon!
It had been hoped that among the ‘lockdown’ relaxations becoming effective from the 4 July some non-contact indoor sport, like table tennis, would be included. However, despite social clubs and community centres being allowed to re-open, indoor sports facilities and indoor sport will remain closed for a further short period of time. This is naturally disappointing for us, but it will at least provide the opportunity to ensure that our premises are ready to be opened, and that we can fully meet any needed covid compliant requirements.
You can find the latest advice from Table Tennis England by going to the TTE website:

We would however like to let you know how we are preparing for re-opening. And, would like to say a very big ‘thank you’ to all members for your patience, ongoing loyalty, commitment and support to the club. Be assured, we will re-open for play as soon as permitted.
First, we are ensuring that outstanding repairs and maintenance needed to the building is done before we re-open. So, if you see people around the building in the next few days it is likely that they are there to carry out essential maintenance.
As part of the plan to re-open, initially we will be limiting our opening hours, so that we can ensure that the number of people in the building at any one time is carefully controlled and that all health and safety standards are kept. We do, however, expect the hall to be open 7 days a week and from 10am to 6pm each day initially.
Because we will have to limit numbers for the time being, a bookings system will be in operation, and we will say more of this when the time comes. It will be possible to make bookings up to 7 days in advance, and no more, and only 1 slot per day will be allowed and that slot will be for a maximum of 1 hour, to include preparation time and necessary clean down after play. This should allow at least 30 minutes of play. Only singles will be permitted and there will be no changing of ends. Different coloured balls will be available so that a ball for each player could be used on each table. Initially just 2 tables will be in use. Play will only be allowed with a booking, this enables us to keep track of who is in the hall.
We will ask everyone attending to observe the highest standards in hygiene, safety and cleanliness. This will include washing/sanitising hands on arrival and departure and wiping down any equipment used. Table surfaces will be wiped down regularly too and relevant materials for this will be provided. For the time being the kitchen will be out of action so players will be encouraged to bring their own drinks bottle. The toilet will be in use and again materials will be provided so that surfaces can be wiped down and highest hygiene standards maintained.
We suggest that, if weather permits, the main door and windows are kept open to allow air flow.
We know that some of these measures may seem excessive or draconian, but it is essential, if we are to open, that we do everything we can to be covid compliant.
All measures will be kept under review and we will do our very best to expand on these and bring in further relaxations as and when we can.
We realise that the pandemic has had a significant effect for our members and we really do appreciate your loyalty. During the period of closure the club has continued to have running costs that have had to be met, and here we are really thankful for members ongoing financial support and for the grants the club has received through Sport England and Sefton Borough Council to help groups get through the emergency and to be in a position to re-open when circumstances allow. To reflect members support it is intended that when we hold our Annual General Meeting the Treasurer will not recommend any increase in fees for the current year, and further that our current level of fees will be held for this year and also for next year. If approved by our members this should ensure that the club is able to meet its costs over the next 2 years and invest in further improvements to the building and its playing facilities.
We really hope you will agree!