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News Release - BSMTTC News 56
Dateline: 12 January 2017

Tommy rings the Bell!

Now that Christmas and New Year have passed business is starting to return to usual at Bath Street Marine TTC. And the first thing you notice is that the social scene is thriving. If last week we said goodbye to a member (see News Story 170105), this week we were able to catch up with some celebrations!

Over the Christmas period, Boxing Day to be exact, Club Member Tom Bell celebrated with his family his 80th birthday at a luxury hotel in the centre of Liverpool. But he had been unable to celebrate with his friends at the table tennis club, That is until now! So on Wednesday the 11 January a small party was held at the Club after the morning social table tennis session. Here you can find a few pictures from the event, and the presentation to Tommy by Club President Billy Clayton. Tom is often thought of as the club handyman, fixing light bulbs, sorting out the picture displays, putting up notice boards and being heavily involved in the repair work to the hall floor. As well as that he is not a bad table tennis player too, and remains a stalwart member of the F Team in Division 5 of the L&DTTL. Tommy could equally do a good stand up show, how he remembers some of his 'stories' nobody knows! Some suggest he has been spending too many weekends at Warner's Holiday Villages, especially at the late night comedy shows! Tommy also loves to dance, and the video of the club Christmas party also on this site proves that. A bit of a pity that he doesn't always seem to carry his dancing feet into his table tennis!

Tom shared his special day with Club Member Barry Davis, celebrating his 60th birthday on Thursday the 12 January. Barry a very keen and skilled crown green bowler took up table tennis when he retired early from work at age 52, and has not looked back since. He is now a regular at division 2 standard in the Liverpool League and even enjoyed a season in the top flight of the first division. 


Tom and Barry managed to combine to blow out all of the candles on the birthday cake first time!

Tom Bell shows off his birthday card signed by many of his friends at Marine. On the day he had also brought with him a rather cheeky table tennis birthday card received from his daughter and Son in Law. You may be able to spot it in the video picture clip on this page, and hopefully you can spot Barry there too...........

Above, Tommy and friends at the Peter Ross Table Tennis Room at Marine FC on Wednesday 11 January 2017. Look out for the risky birthday card, and Birthday Boy Barry Davis - he is the one pulling a face at the camera! Act your age Barry,,,,,!! Also watch out for Stan Cooper, the new TV star, who appears in the new BBC 2 programme "Common Sense", which is launched on the 11 January at 10pm for the initial 6 episodes!

And below, Club President Billy Clayton along with Master of Ceremonies Colin Mitchell present Barry and Tommy with birthday cards to mark their special occasions.

© BSMTTC 2015 

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