May 2020 Issue
Chairman's Introduction
Hello to all Bath Street Marine Table Tennis Club (BSMTTC) members; young, old, new & long standing.
I can’t believe it’s been 12 months since I was appointed Chairman: what a year it’s been, Covid 19 notwithstanding.
Congratulations on our Grand Opening on 26th July 2019, when we became the first (& I believe only club in the North West) to own their clubhouse (fixtures & fittings) & be self-funding.

The main body of this year’s report, with contributions from our Social Secretary, Treasurer, & most importantly, Club Secretary, will provide you with details of how the club has progressed; so, all that remains for me to do is: thank you all for your support of the Committee & Club as a whole, to hope that you’ll continue in this vein & to wish that you all Stay Safe, Stay Well & we can all return to some kind of normality soon.
It may be a different type of ‘normal’ but one thing will NOT have changed: this is YOUR club. Let’s keep on, in the face of ALL adversity & take OUR club far into the future.
To quote ‘Horace’ “Nil desperandum”. Cheers Now!
Bernard Cooney
Secretary's Report
What a year! It started with the closure and demolition of our club house and ended with all table tennis closed due to the corona virus pandemic!
It was in 2013 that the Club started its quest for a new home. And it has been miraculous to see that quest come to final fruition in 2019 when the dream was realised with the new build on the Marine site. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to every single person who has been part of the successful delivery of this new home. As a club we are so fortunate to have this building, and it has been amazing to see just how much interest the new building has created; and that interest turning into new membership.
Ownership has brought new responsibilities and new challenges! These have been met head-on, and here I would like to praise the efforts of our Property Manager, Keith Hardman, who has shouldered much of the responsibility for operating the new building. The Club has a fantastic team of volunteers who have taken on the teething problems and the day to day operations of the building to provide us all with a great environment in which to play table tennis.
There have been highs and lows along the way this year; but a definite high, as far as I am concerned, was the evening of our official Grand Opening. It was so encouraging to have with us on that occasion two local Members of Parliament, together with the Chairman and other officials from Table Tennis England and so many members and friends. A memorable occasion.
Let’s turn to the table tennis. The Club entered 9 teams into the Liverpool League for the 2019/20 season. This included for the first time a new style ‘junior’ team, following the League’s introduction of this special category of team for the 2019/20 season. We included a squad of 6 juniors for this, 5 of whom had no previous experience at all of league table tennis. I have to say they all performed very well, and more importantly showed an excellent attitude throughout the season. It has been a real pleasure to have worked alongside them. Full reports for all teams can be found in our end of year Newsletter, published on the website. We had no divisional winners or runners-up this year, and only 1 relegation – the F Team from Div 4, who really didn’t expect to be in Div 4 in the first place! We reached the semi-final stage in one Divisional Cup, Div 3. And, by our own high standards, had a relatively lean year in the Frank Murphy Veterans Handicap Cup, a competition in which, in the past, we have had a very strong track record.

For the first time ever the League season was ended prematurely, with 6 weeks still to play. This was due to the corona virus ‘lockdown’ which resulted in all table tennis being suspended after 13 March. The League eventually deciding that no more play was possible, all divisions were settled on an average points basis. None of our teams were disadvantaged by this.
The playing season started with the annual Club tournament. Held on the first Saturday in September at the Anfield Sports & Community Centre. With play on 8 tables it allowed us to complete the event in the day. The main event, the Ron Georgeson Memorial Trophy, was won by Barry Davis (runner-up Colin Turner); the Consolation Singles was won by Andrew Armstrong (runner-up Dave Noden) and the Fun Doubles was won by Mark Benson & Steve McCormick (runners-up Colin Turner & Lesley Blanchard).
The year has also seen a full calendar of excellent social events. These have been extremely well supported, great fun, and have contributed financially to our funds. In addition, some members have actively participated in the ‘Marine In The Community’ initiative. That is however a separate activity from the table tennis club. Actively working with the Football Club does however enhance the offering to the local community from the Marine site, thereby enhancing the reputation of the Club.
Over the year the Club has had an active Management Committee and continues to publish minutes of all official management meetings on the website.
The Club has also continued to use the internet and social media to publicize its presence and report on its activities. We have also featured at least twice over the year in news articles published by Table Tennis England.
All new members of the club are invited to adopt the Club’s privacy policy, and this is now incorporated in our membership application form. We also continue to follow the equity and safeguarding policies of Table Tennis England and have a designated Welfare Officer. Our Club Secretary also completed an updated safeguarding course through the Liverpool City Council and re-qualified as a Level 1 Coach.
As well as competitive table tennis through the Liverpool League the Club has continued to run a growing daytime social and recreational table tennis programme, primarily for the ‘more mature’ adult. But, we have also seen growth in numbers attending our weekly junior session, strongly supported by parents and grandparents.
Up until the start of the corona virus lockdown, it had been a very busy and successful year, with a great team of volunteers dynamically leading the club forward. We shall have to wait and see exactly what impact the corona virus has on the future of the club.
I would like to thank every member for their support over the period of time I have had the privilege of being your Secretary.
Graham Turner
Treasurer's Report
A copy of the accounts for the year to 30 April 2020 as presented to and approved by the AGM will be available from the Treasurer or Secretary once approved. This has been a year of real transition in which we have invested £11,090 of club funds in our new building enabling us to complete the purchase and fitting debt free with the assistance of grants from Sport England and Sefton Borough Council and generous donations from 3 corporate sponsors. Despite this investment our overall balances have only fallen by £2,845 as a result of the club recording an overall profit (aside from the property purchase) of £6,245. An increase in membership has had a significant impact as has the fact that the majority of members are now paying their fees by monthly standing order. There is still an element of uncertainty about the ongoing running costs of our new building, but in the first period those have come in under budget although we have faced a few extra costs from teething issues with the new build. I would like to pay tribute to the tremendous support that I have received with the book keeping and accounts over the past year from Jenny Givens, without whose help this year would have been a very tough one indeed! We will have to wait to see what impact the corona virus lockdown will have on our first full year of the new building!
Ian Brownrigg

Social Secretary's Report
What a mad year dominated in the end by a Covid-19 virus that has completely stopped all our planned activities towards the end of the year. But despite that all of our fundraising nights and cake and tea days were a complete success, along with our tea/coffee/biscuits donations so we have come away this year in profit! Thank you so much on behalf of our wonderful committee. Talking of our committee; a special thank you to all of them, for without help running, cleaning and keeping up with the maintenance of our brand new building we couldn't have achieved what we have got. So a big thank you to all of them; I won't name names but they all know who they are. So I hope that this terrible virus ends soon and we can get back to our every day life and great nights out again for the start of a new season. Thank you once again. Stay safe.
Keith Hardman
Ron Georgeson Memorial Trophy
The 2018/19 Club Tournament was held in September 2019 at Anfield Sports & Community Centre. It was an excellent day with continuous play on 8 tables. With so many tables it was possible to complete the event on the day. A full report can be found under News Stories. The winners were:
Ron Georgeson Trophy:
Winner: Barry Davies
Runner-Up: Colin Turner
Singles Plate:
Winner: Andrew Armstrong
Runner-Up: Dave Noden
Fun Doubles
Winners: Mark Benson & Steve McCormick
Runners-Up: Colin Turner & Lesley Blanchard
Liverpool & District Table Tennis League - 2019/20 Season
The Club entered 9 teams into the Liverpool & District Table Tennis League for the 2019/20 season, and all also took part in the respective Divisional trophies. In addition the Club entered 6 teams into the Frank Murphy Memorial Trophy (the Veterans Handicap Cup). For the first time ever the season was cut short and ended when all table tennis was suspended indefinitely on 13 March 2020, with 6 weeks of matches still to play, as a result of 'lockdown' rules imposed due to the Corona Virus Pandemic. All places in each division were then decided by an 'average points' method as not all teams had played the same number of matches when play was suspended.
1st Team (Div 1)
Members: Dermot Tierney (Cap't), Clare Peers, Keith Williams & Steve Green
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av Pts
5 15 8 5 85 65 5.66
Team Captain, Dermot Tierney, says, “the first team completed the shortened season ending in 5th position in the division. I think if the season continued it is likely we would have ended in the same position. The core of the team consisted of Keith Williams, Clare Peers and myself, with contributions from Stephen Green and substitutions from David Lovelady, Matt Wilson and Colin Turner.
A 5th place finish was an expected result given the strength and depth of the teams that finished ahead. Police, Crosby High Jnr, and Jaguar Land Rover all had a large pool of good standard players available to them and Maghull had two of the most consistent performers in the division in Ritchie Venner and Paul Hutchings. Going forward we have to look to increase the depth within the team.
Keith Williams again finished the season as our top player with a win average of 68% from 37 matches played. Keith started the season slow due to a few niggling injuries, surprisingly dropping two sets to Harold House in our opening match and not performing at all well in our second match away to Maghull where Keith lost all three. But by the third match Keith was back into his stride with some fine performances. Some to highlight are; his three wins away against JLR; and two wins against Police top players Johnny Taylor and Mitch Barker.
Another consistent season for Clare finishing with a win average of 65% from 31 matches played. I think Clare was a bit unlucky against some of the top players; losing in the 5th set to players like Johnny Taylor, Mitch Barker and Paul Hutchings to name a few; but it shows that Clare is competitive at the top level.
Dermot again performed admirably with a win average of 50% from 40 matches played. Except for one or two Dermot won most he would be expected to win. Dermot's best night was probably his three wins over Police A team.
Some good team performances to mention are; Dermot & Keith’s 5th set doubles win over Crosby Junior’s Rhys Davies/Ogian Kostov to gain a 5-5 draw in the match; and Clare/Dermot/Steve Green’s two wins each vs Harold House under terrible playing conditions (we had a flickering light during a lot of the match).
All in all another enjoyable season”
A Team (Div 1)
Members: Barry Davis (Cap't), Matthew Wilson and Colin Turner
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av Pts
6 15 6 7 70 80 4.66
“Starting just our second season in the top flight BSM A, probably
one of the favorites for relegation, got off to a flyer with an
impressive 8-2 win”, reports team member Colin Turner.
“This gave us 1 week at the heady-height of top of Div 1! It was
also a great footing for the season. With our talented leader, Matthew Wilson, showing the way, and his two steady partners Barry Davis and Colin Turner, the team has had a great season finishing a very credible 6th place with an average points score of 4.66 per game. We had some great performances from everyone this season with good wins for all three players including wins for Matthew against Andy Taylor from Jaguar and Ogi from Merseyside Police; Barry with a great win against our own Clare Peers (BSM 1st); and Colin with a great win over our own Stephen Green (BSM 1st).
Overall, with Matty at 69% and both Barry and Colin at 34% a very satisfying season for The 'A' Team.”
B Team (Div 3)
Members: Dave Noden (Cap't), Darren Taylor, Ted Cramsie, David Lovelady, Julian Quirke & Ken Jackson .
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av. Pts
8 17 5 7 82 88 4.82
What a year it has been for the B Team! Having finished 3rd in Division 3 last season, the last thing the team expected was to find themselves in Division 2 this time round! But that’s what happened, with some teams withdrawing from the top levels the team found themselves unexpectedly promoted! Then, just as the season was about to start, the team’s talisman and No.1 Darren Taylor was forced to withdraw from play due to injury. In fact, Darren was forced to sit out the whole season! Hopefully, he will be able to return next time round. David Lovelady was added to the squad and started off brilliantly, winning 6 out of 6 in his first two matches! But then more disaster! Travel between Liverpool and Isle of Man meant that David could not regularly make the match night, and whilst he was able to play 2 or 3 substitution matches in Div 1, he found himself unable to fulfil any further B Team fixtures! Next up, it was the turn of Ted Cramsie to fall foul of injury, pulling up with a leg muscle injury in a cup match with Wavertree Labour. Ted would then be out for several weeks. All in all the team used 5 substitutes to cover, added Julian Quirk as a guest for 2 matches, but was then able to move into the transfer market and bring in Freddie Bainbridge, coming out of retirement, and finally to acquire the services of a returning Ken Jackson. Having just got back to a settled side, the season abruptly ended when the lockdown came in March as a result of the corona virus pandemic. Despite the disasters the team finished a respectable 8th, recording 5 wins and 5 draws, and were just a whisper away from moving up to 6th which might have been achievable if the new line up had been able to finish the season. A rethink needed before the start of the next season, whenever that is!

Above the 3 regular members of the 1st Team: Clare Peers, Dermot Tierney & Keith Williams. And below Clare with TTE Regional Rep and former England International player, Andrea Holt. At the Grand Opening, Clare was presented with the Liverpool League Ladies Singles Trophy which she won for a record 10th time at the 2019 Liverpool Closed Tournament.

A team of Champions, the A Team Barry Davis (became club Handicap Singles Champion), Matt Wilson (became Southport League Men's Singles Champion) and Colin Turner (who, with Matt, became Southport Men's Doubles Champions). What a season for the team!

Above - the B Team, at least how it finished up! Had this been the settled team throughout the season there is no doubt a much higher place would have been achieved! In the picture, Ted Cramsie, Ken Jackson, Dave Noden and Fred Bainbridge.
C Team (Div 3)
Members: Ian McElwee (Cap't), David Stoddern, Dave McMahon, and Euan Mason
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av.Pts
4 17 8 6 89 81 5.23
Vice-Captain Dave Stoddern reports, “For the first time in a while, we started the season with a settled squad of Captain Ian, Dave S, Dave Mc & Euan, playing his first season in division 3. We started with a home win 6-4 against one of the many Sefton Park sides, with everyone chipping in. Without Ian & Dave S, we narrowly lost 6:4 to eventual runners up Police with Fred coming in to pick up 1 along with Dave Mc & Euan, a close game. A couple of good wins and draws followed with Ian securing a good maximum against Wavertree Lab. After our cup exploits last term, we started off in this year’s competition. without Ian but put up a great fight to progress 5-4 against Wavertree Labour despite being 4-2 down; only to succumb in the next round to our club mates in the D team who deservedly won 5-4. Another good comeback followed against CADWA when from 5-0 down, we drew 5-5, with Ian picking up a good win against the experienced Paula Adamson. A great win followed against another Sefton Park team with Euan picking up a great maximum, with all games going the distance, this also included a great maximum from stand in Colin Mitchell. Another good win at Wavertree Labour with both Ian & Dave S picking up maximums. We then fell foul to eventual champions Waterloo, with Captain Ian picking up a singles against Nathan Jago and Dave Mc unluckily losing two 5 setters to Dave Evans & Shaun Chandler. Another difficult match followed at Police, but we earned a 5-5 draw thanks to great wins by the 2 Dave’s against Steve Gittens and a single from Andrew Armstrong. We played what proved to be our last game against Bootle YM with a good win and a great maximum from Dave Mc; very strange this game with no one knowing whether to shake hands or not, but we did in the end!
We were lying in 3rd position when the season stopped, and I think we could have consolidated that position but 4th in the end is very respectable. Unfortunately, Captain Ian was not 100% health wise for a good part of the season but still managed a very respectable average; Dave S and Dave Mc had their moments and young Euan had an excellent first season in division 3, improving all the time. It is great to see Dave Mc's dogged determination which saw him through many a close game, but my most satisfying moment of the season was to witness the game between Euan & Ian Wensley, using what looked like the whole length of the CADWA hall, with Euan brilliantly coming through 17-15 in the 5th set, what a game!
The team would like to thank our fellow club mates Fred Bainbridge, Brian Crolley, Colin Mitchell & Andrew Armstrong for playing when required.”
D Team (Div 3)
Members: Brian Crolley (Cap't), Andy Cheung and Mal Kent
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av.Pts
8 16 4 10 71 89 4.43
Team Captain Brian Crolley says “firstly, it has got to be said that our new table tennis room is a great asset and has been greatly appreciated by not only ourselves but our opponents as well.
This has been a tough season for the “D” team of Andy Cheung, Mal Kent and myself. We have been fortunate in having two great reserves standing in for Andy’s holidays to Hong Kong and Mal’s very rare holidays in the UK. These stalwarts are Colin Mitchell and Keith Dudley; they have been a great help. The club’s teams cannot exist without these unsung reserves to cover all divisions.
The win of the season has to be Keith Dudley’s win over Jimmy Williams of Sefton Park “A”, 11-9 in the 5th. At this time, I am not sure if this win will appear in the records as it was in match 17 which is outside the 16 matches played by most teams when the season ended. So, let it be recorded in BSM records. Colin Mitchell’s win over Steve Johnson of Wavertree Lab “D” was equally stunning; 13-11 in the 5th. Mal Kent, as ever, was our star man putting in outstanding performances week in and week out. Andy Cheung and I just hung in there, picking up points when we could. The members of the “D” team were just fantastic all season.”
E Team (Div 4)
Members: Andrew Armstrong (Cap't), Colin Mitchell, Keith Dudley, Mark Benson & Ray Hibbs
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av.Pts
6 15 8 6 77 73 5.13
Captain Andy Armstrong reports, “with the table tennis season ending early because of the corona virus the league decided to end the season by calculating an average points per game for all teams to decide the divisional positions. That left the E Team in mid table a fair outcome and probably where we would have finished had all matches been played. Starting the season without former regular, Peter Ashley, and Euan Mason moving up to division 3 we welcomed in Colin Mitchell, coming back to regular play, and Mark Benson moving up from division 5. Colin and Keith finished the season top of the team averages with Mark in his first season in division 4 with a good win percentage. I had an indifferent season myself only having some decent form near the end of the season! At least that’s my story! We were fortunate to be able to bring in Ray Hibbs to help out just before the season closed, when Colin was called on to substitute for the D Team. There were some strong teams in this division this year so overall we did well to hold a mid-table position. Onward and upward for the new season, whenever it begins!
F Team (Div 5)
Members: Steve McGing (Cap't), Steve McCormick, Sunil Sapre,
Richard Woodley, Audrey McGing, Ned Hassan & Les Dodd
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av.Pts
10 16 4 12 40 120 2.50
Newly appointed team captain, Steve McGing, says, “well, 12 months ago I was hoping to be playing in 2019/20 at number 4 in the 5th division! It was my first season of playing league table tennis and I was hoping for a gentle introduction! Somehow I found myself, and I’m still not sure how, captain of a team and one that was in the 4th division! From the off, for one reason or another, we were short of players! And the first match, incidentally the first ever match at the new club, was played with only 3 players available instead of the needed 4, and against a very strong Bootle YMCA Team. We got beaten 10-0! A great start! But we were able to bring in some reserves to boost the squad and thanks to appearances by Ned Hassan and Les Dodd, the regular squad players of myself, Audrey, Steve McCormick, Sunil and eventually Richard Woodley, who returned from a layoff following surgery, just before Christmas, we managed to get 3 wins during the season.
Performances of the year I would say were, Audrey v Aviva, winning both singles on the same night; Steve McCormick coming from 2-0 down against Julian Dutch of Maghull to give us a 6-4 victory; however, everyone chipped in with a few wins.
The team improved as the season went on, and we had team practice on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings, and it is even possible that had the season played out in full we might have avoided a relegation position! Probably not, but not from the lack of trying.
Upwards and onward to whatever the new table tennis world holds!”
G Team (Div 5)
Members: Keith Hardman (Captain), Tony Rimmer, Barbara Alcock, Tom Bell, Mary Delamere, Ian Brownrigg, Bernard Cooney, Lesley Blanchard, Jenny Givens and Su Young
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av.Pts
12 19 1 18 46 144 2.42
Being captain and manager of a large squad of players is never easy! But what a fantastic group our team of ‘seniors’ are! Captain, Keith Hardman, says, “on this unusual season which has finished early due to the Covid-19 epidemic I would just like to say how proud I am of all our squad; not only getting more points than the previous two seasons but also the way everyone stepped up their game. Everyone exceeded themselves in their performances. It is a real pleasure working with the team, and we are looking forward already to the new season and hopefully the same group of amazing people. I could not name a player of the season because everyone excelled! I would however, like to thank Barbara Alcock for her amazing scones which every club visiting Marine looks forward too. We may not be the best on the table, but when it comes to hospitality and refreshments there is none that can match us! Special thanks also to Ian Browning for all his help and standing in as captain whilst I was in New Zealand. Well done The G Team!”
H Team (Div 5)
Members: Graham Turner (Captain), Des Logan (Manager), Finn Mason, Eleanor Sinker, Henry Sinker, Keiron McEvoy, Iris Mason and Archie Mason.
Position in Div P W L GW GL Av.Pts
11 18 3 14 61 119 3.38
For the first time the L&DTTL announced a new concept for the 2019/20 season, a ‘junior team’. The idea being to encourage more juniors into league play. For a 4-person team needed for division 5 this meant that 3 out of 4 of the players in the team must be juniors. The advantage of being a ‘junior’ team was that the team could play all of its matches at its home venue and could play on two tables if the venue was licensed by the League for such play. There being no other outlet for competitive play for juniors the club decided to give this concept a go for its own junior players, even though it was known this would be a very big step for juniors with no competitive match play experience. As it turned out, just two clubs entered ‘junior’ teams, and our own team was the only one in Division 5. We were also able to secure agreement to play junior team matches on 2 tables, this meant that for parents there would be a fixed match night (as all matches at home) and the finish time would not be too late compared to a single table league match. We were able to identify 6 juniors who we believed could cope with this giant leap, and they have all shown a fantastic attitude to what has been a real tough baptism!

Above - the members of the C Team, Captain Ian McElwee (looking just a little fed up!), Dave McMahon, Euan Mason and Dave Stoddern.
And below on one of the derby occasions - this time the magnificent Divisional Cup tie, with their Div 3 colleagues from the C Team.

Below, the E Team (Andrew Armstrong, Mark Benson, Keith Dudley & Colin Mitchell). Colin making a welcome return to league play for the club and Mark moving up to the higher division for the first time.
Appearances by Ned Hassan and Les Dodd in the team line-up on the rare occasions they were available made a big difference to team performances and outcomes for the regulars of: Steve McGing (Captain), Steve McCormick, Sunil Sapre, Richard Woodley & Audrey McGing.
Below in the centre the members of the D Team, Andy Cheung, Captain Brian Crolley. and Mal Kent. Sporting their preferred 'away' kit and always with a smile on their faces, win or lose. And either side their two main substitutes, Keith Dudley and Colin Mitchell.

Below: Members of the G Team. From the top down: Tony Rimmer, Bernard Cooney, Keith Hardman, Tom Bell, Tony again, Ian Brownrigg, Sue Young, Jenny Givens, Barbara Alcock and Ian and Jenny again! The team gained more points this season than ever before, and most importantly always played the game in the right spirit. Plus - they serve the best refreshments!

Parent, Andrew Sinker, takes up the story, “prior to the start of this season Graham asked if my two children Henry and Eleanor, then aged 12 and 15, would like to play in the adult league. They had been attending the junior training sessions at the club and were benefiting from the coaching. Both were a little apprehensive about playing in what was going to be a strong adult league. Graham was in no doubt they should play and that although there were going to be some difficult matches they would improve and it would bring them on as players.
So once September came along the friday matches started with one of them playing in nearly every match. Initially the games were quite one sided, but gradually they both started winning some points, then a game or two, and by the end of the season they had both notched up wins. The support and encouragement from Graham and the other parents was excellent, which was particularly needed on one or two occasions following close losses or heavy defeats!
One thing that struck me was how friendly and encouraging the opposition teams were towards the youngsters and parents! Unlike what I have seen in some other sports! They would regularly offer advice to them and socialise with the parents. I have been put to use making drinks for the players but have not felt confident enough yet to take up Graham’s offer of scoring a match!
Like most people I was disappointed when the season came to an abrupt halt, when there was still a lot of table tennis to be played and at a point when Eleanor and Henry had vastly improved and were making a real contribution to the team.
It has been most enjoyable as a parent coming along to these matches, seeing the children develop as players, chatting to the other parents and players and being made to feel part of the club. With the matches all being played at home it has only been a short walk to the club (unlike in some other sports where a long drive has often been the order of the day) and it quickly became something we as a family would look forward to. We are already looking forward to the next season, which we hope will start on time.”

The picture to the left and above shows members of the BSM H (Junior) Team. Somehow, Iris Mason, seemed to escape the camera the whole season! But in the picture there is: Finn Mason, Keiron McEvoy, Graham Turner (Captain), Eleanor Sinker, Henry Sinker, Archie Mason and Des Logan (Team Manager). In the bottom picture the team are with the Grant Thornton team. A terrific match which resulted in one of the few victories for the Junior Team. Another win was in the derby match against the G Team - a great occasion! And the Junior team still had both of these teams to play when the season was ended untimely! There were some excellent performances from the Juniors over the season including some tremendous doubles play, with several unexpected wins. Team Captain Graham says, "I am very grateful for the fantastic support of parents, and also Andy Armstrong who helped us at matches nearly every week, often spending long periods at the scoring table!
Who is who?
And to finish with here is a mini picture quiz for you!
See if you can answer these ???
Which player has now won a record 10 Liverpool League Singles titles? ………………………….
Who took on the responsibilities of being a team captain for the first time in 2019/20 at a surprising level? ………………………….
Who captained the only team to reach a semi-final of a Divisional Cup competition this season, after knocking out their higher ranked club side in a titanic battle in the previous round? ...................................................................

And last ?
This season two families of brothers and sisters played for the club, in divisions 3 and 5 respectively, can you name all 6 of them!? The picture aside includes a not so old picture of 2 of them! And a then and now of one! A bonus point if you can spot the then and now (possibly 2 bonus points if you get both!!)