Open All Hours.....?
At last, we are open again for adults to come and play indoor table tennis!
With the easing of corona virus restrictions from Monday 17 May even our Club President, 89 year old Billy Clayton, was able to get out. Taken for a short trip to one of his favorite watering holes, The Liver, and then able to meet up with club members Colin Mitchell and Mary Delamere. Maybe you saw his brief greeting on our Facebook page?

Sadly, for the moment, we are not quite open all hours. For this initial period of re-opening and whilst some corona virus restrictions remain in place, we will be open every day from 10am - 6pm. You can book a slot through our online booking service. From the week commencing 24 May, we will be using the evenings for our Marine Mini League, an internal club competition allowing some of our players to restart match play in preparation for the new table tennis season in the autumn.
We will also be starting our Club Tournament which should have taken place in the autumn of 2020! Dave Noden, our tournament director will be in touch with those who have entered to provide details of when this will start. The opening round will be in small groups as we still cannot have spectators. Hopefully by the time we get to the Finals there will have been a further easing of restrictions so that a crowd can gather to watch the final matches.
The good news is, that despite all of the set-backs caused by the corona virus restrictions, our club is in a good position and thanks to the loyalty of our members ready to go again.
So, when we opened on Monday 17th May, who was the first? I believe club member, Liz Adams, got it right with her prediction! It has been great to see so many members returning to play this week, and already new inquiries arising about coming to join our club. Let's do everything we can to make everyone feel welcome as we gradually get back to full operations. It will take a little while to get everything going again, and we must take things carefully and cautiously as corona virus has not totally gone away!
But the fact is, it is great to be open! Let's make the most of the brilliant facilities we have and show what a terrific sport for all table tennis is!
Here are some of the first visitors from Monday 17th. Hopefully the pictures tell their own story!
