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Another Year Passes!

Well, another year comes to an end! And what a year it has been, dominated by the corona virus pandemic!

Who would have imagined when we opened our new building in the summer of 2019, that within 6 months we would have to close our doors because of a virus? And indeed, who would have imagined that we would have to close for 6 months in total during 2020? Almost unbelievable, yet true! And it got worse, the Liverpool League 2020/21 season was unable to start in September 2020 as it normally would, and has now been cancelled altogether! That has meant that for some of our players they have not played table tennis since March 2020, and it may be more than 12 months before they play again!

Despite this doom and gloom, what has been remarkable has been the loyalty and support given to the club by the majority of our members. And it has been really encouraging to see the number that did return to play when we have been able to open, even though we still had considerable limitations on what we were able to do!

Then, just as we seemed to get going again, came the news that we would have to start the new year once again closed, following the move into Tier 3 of the corona virus restrictions from the 31 December!

Even though the year seems to have been dominated by disappointment and closure. There have been bright notes! Our new club house has never looked better, the ceiling tiles improved, the wall coating improved, and the condensation issue that we had at the start seems to have been solved as a result of much diligent work by our property managers. And there has even been some great table tennis. We started the new Mini League, and maybe there will even be a chance to finish it! And the year ended with two really great sessions in the final week of the year for our juniors. Including one new junior attending for the very first time!

So, it's not all been bad news. And, what is more, we have a great future to look forward to. The corona virus vaccination program has started, and the club house is ready to welcome our members once more as soon as we can get it open again. The Club Tournament is ready to run as soon as we can play again, and once league play is allowed we can resume the Mini League. With our loyal members, we are good to go, and a great future can be ensured.

All that remains is for me to wish you all a very Happy New Year! Stay safe, and keep your eyes and ears on our website and social media pages. Let's all raise a glass to the 'Successful future of Bath Street Marine Table Tennis Club'.


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