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And So It Begins!

Happy New Year everyone! Yes, I know it has already been said on this site, but that isn't a reason for not saying it again! Don't know about you, but I've read so many things on the internet recently, beautiful words, strong sentiments, accompanied by great graphics, some have taken my breath away! That said though, I've come to the conclusion that all of those words need to be backed up by matching actions. For they say, don't they, 'actions speak louder than words'? Not sure they speak louder, but actions that match words make those words more powerful.

The second half of the 2019/20 table tennis season starts on Monday 6 January. My hope is that our table tennis club will show by its actions on the table, and in the club room as hosts, that we are a welcoming and hospitable club where opponents can expect very strong competitiveness but always in the best spirit. Sure, occasionally we get a bit frustrated, occasionally a little angry (especially with ourselves when things haven't gone quite right), but my sincere hope is that we do not allow that to spill over into discourtesy, neither do we take out our frustration or anger in the language we use or the way we behave towards our opponents! At all times, may our words and actions match up in the very best spirit of table tennis!

And here's a little quiz for you to start the New Year. From the collages below, which represent all 9 of our league teams, first can you name all of the players - if not then you need to visit or speak to more teams! And second, how many players are missing from these line-ups? And a final question for you; how many female players (women and girls) in total does the club currently have playing in the league - and if more than shown by the pictures how do they manage to keep escaping the lens of our roaming photographer!! Answers in the comments below please!

Best wishes for the second half of the season!


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